7 Reasons Your Business Needs An Explainer Videom Marketing Strategy Now

In today's rapidly evolving digital realm, grabbing the spotlight and staying in someone’s mind is no easy task. One highly effective solution to this challenge is the explainer video. These visually dynamic and captivating videos excel not only in distilling complex messages into easily understandable narratives but also in etching a lasting imprint on the minds of viewers. This makes explainer videos a must for any marketing strategy!


1 - Enhanced Communication

Explainer videos prove to be a potent tool for simplifying complex concepts. Whether unveiling a novel product, explaining a service, or streamlining a process, these videos not only guarantee a crystal-clear message but also leave a lasting impact. By harnessing the power of visuals, businesses can significantly increase the likelihood of their audience grasping and retaining the information presented.

2 - Increased Engagement

Recent studies underscore the heightened preference for visual content, indicating that individuals are significantly more inclined to engage with it. Animated explainer videos, characterized by vibrant colors, dynamic animations, and compelling storytelling, stand out as particularly effective in captivating the audience's attention. These engaging elements contribute to a substantial increase in engagement rates, surpassing those observed with static content. Embracing explainer videos in your content strategy not only aligns with audience preferences but also positions your brand for greater visibility and interaction.


3 - Boosted Conversion Rates

Harnessing the persuasive potential of well-crafted animated explainer videos can yield substantial improvements in conversion rates. Studies conducted by Wyzowl indicate that 96% of consumers have been convinced to make a purchase after watching a brand's video. Through effective communication of your value proposition and adeptly addressing pain points, these videos cultivate a profound sense of connection, trust, and understanding among your audience. The result is a compelling encouragement for viewers to take the desired action, translating into tangible boosts in conversion rates for your business.

4 - Versatility in Style

The adaptability of explainer videos, be it a sleek modern style or the charm of whiteboard animation, empowers businesses to customize content in alignment with their brand identity and the preferences of their target audience. A survey by Animoto reveals that 96% of consumers agree that visuals are crucial when making a purchase decision. Choosing the right style not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also plays a pivotal role in amplifying the overall impact of your message, ensuring it resonates effectively with your audience's preferences and leaves a lasting impression.


5 - The Perfect Content for Social Media

In an era dominated by social media, the sharing of visually appealing content has become a ubiquitous practice. According to a study by Social Media Examiner, visual content is more than 40 times more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content. Animated explainer videos, with their engaging and shareable nature, effortlessly traverse various platforms, facilitating businesses in reaching a broader audience. The potential for virality offers a unique opportunity for organic brand amplification, providing a substantial boost to your brand's visibility and recognition in the digital landscape.

6 - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Benefits

The integration of explainer videos into your website can wield a positive influence on your SEO endeavors. Search engines, such as Google, highly prioritize websites that offer diverse and engaging multimedia content. By incorporating animated explainer videos, your website stands to benefit from increased visibility in search rankings, leading to a surge in organic traffic. This not only improves your website's overall performance but also enhances its chances of being discovered by a broader online audience.


7 - Competitive Edge

As the effectiveness of animated explainer videos gains recognition among businesses, strategically incorporating them into your marketing arsenal can be a game-changer, offering a distinct competitive edge. Setting your brand apart in the industry involves more than just imparting information—it demands a blend of informativeness and entertainment. By embracing explainer videos, you position your business as a frontrunner, catering to the evolving preferences of your audience and staying ahead in the competitive landscape.

The time is ripe for businesses to leverage the power of explainer videos. Whether you choose whiteboard animation or a more modern style, incorporating these engaging visuals into your marketing strategy can elevate your brand, improve communication, and drive tangible results. Don't wait – seize the opportunity to connect with your audience on a deeper level through the compelling medium of animated explainer videos. 

We’ve been creating explainer videos and telling visual stories for over 20 years, and we’d love to help you share your message! Whether you have a question about the process or want to discuss how your message could work as an explainer video, we’re always here to answer your questions. Contact us today or book a free video call!